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Feb. 12-13, 2025

Tu BiShvat is the "birthday of the trees." You can learn about its origins on Some Jews have seders on this date that focus on nuts and fruits from trees.

Celebrate Tu BiShvat and Contribute to 
Our Temple's Tree of Life

Even in the midst of winter, the Tu BiShvat holiday foretells the promise of spring as we celebrate agricultural renewal and look forward to new growth. It is a day for looking forward with optimism to brighter, greener times just ahead.

In this way, while Tu BiShvat is focused on trees, it is in fact a day to celebrate the renewal of life in general. At Temple Beth Shalom, we have our own Tree of Life. On the wall of our lobby hangs a Tree of Life which honors s'machot (joyous sacred moments) and relationships within our temple family. Just as trees are nourished in various ways, so is our congregation. As we move forward with optimism to the coming days of renewal and growth for our temple, financial support of our Tree of Life is one way to support and nourish our community.


Tu BiShvat Resources

Tu BiShvat 101

Host a Tu BiShvat Seder
Outlines what’s needed for a Tu BiShvat seder, with links to different seder themes, such as “Israel” or “Environment” or “Family/Kids”

Crafts, Music, & Tu BiShvat Fun for Young Families:

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785