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Special Musical Events

Temple Beth Shalom holds special musical events throughout the year. See below for some of our offerings, listed by date. All are welcome! Questions? Contact our temple office or call 512-735-8900.


Shabbat Shir Shalom

Sing, rejoice, listen, move, meditate, and pray! Come enjoy Shabbat Shir Shalom—our annual service that is almost entirely musical.

Led by about 60 Temple Beth Shalom members with voice and instrument (including the Kol Hakavod Ensemble, Kids' Choir, and Club Musika), even the sermon is in song! Learn more.

High Holy Days Music

Musical participation by congregants adds so much to the spirit and beauty of our services. We welcome our members to join in.


Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785