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Music participation for students

Kids’ Choir—Sundays, 10:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

If you like to sing, make harmony, and have a great time with friends, then the Kids' Choir at Temple Beth Shalom is for you!

The Kids' Choir is a group of amazing youth in grades 2 through 6 who come together to have fun learning and performing Jewish music, all while connecting to each other and to their Jewish identities. The Kids' Choir lifts our spirits in song during Sunday T'filah services, on holidays and community celebrations, and at Shabbat Shir Shalom (our annual extra-musical Shabbat service). All voices are unique gifts and everyone is welcome, so come and sing! No audition is required for Kids' Choir, but families must sign up through the Temple Beth Shalom Religious School enrollment form.

Song Leading & Band "Club Musika"
For students in grades 7-12

Love playing an instrument or singing? From time to time during the year, such as High Holy Days and Shabbat Shir Shalom, there are opportunities for your teens to make some beautiful music together for the congregation.
If your teen is interested, please contact our Clergy Assistant at 512-735-8912 and ask for them (and you) to be added to our email list for receiving information about upcoming music-making opportunities.

More Teen Opportunities:

Adult Choir

Sing? Play a musical instrument? Youth in grades 7-12 can join the Kol Hakavod ("Voice of Honor") Ensemble, our congregational choir and instrumental group!
Kol Hakavod is both a dedicated choral and instrumental ensemble and an opportunity for ongoing education. Being a choir member provides you with a unique opportunity to explore Jewish music from the past and present under the guidance of Cantor Abby Gostein. We welcome anyone who wishes to celebrate Jewish musical heritage, develop and improve their vocal and musicianship skills, and contribute to leading the prayers of our community in an especially powerful way. If you're interested in participating, please fill out our Participation Form.
Teen Music Leadership for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Mornings
See our High Holy Days Music webpage for current information.
Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785