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Viewing Our Services
Please join our Temple Beth Shalom clergy online for livestreamed services. You may need to refresh this webpage to see the current livestream in the viewer below. If you are having trouble viewing the livestream viewer below, please go to our YouTube channel.
Erev Shabbat Services: Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
Remember to get your ritual items ready--candles, kiddush cup, challah--so you can fully participate!
Prayer Books
You may purchase the prayer book in print and ebook formats from CCAR.
Daf T'Filah for Erev Shabbat Services (Prayer Supplement Document)
The daf t'filah is our prayer program where you'll find text for liturgical elements not found in the prayer book.
Shabbat Morning Services: Saturdays at 10:30 a.m.
Shabbat morning services only take place when there is a b'nai mitzvah. See our temple calendar.
Prayer Books
You may purchase the prayer book in print and ebook formats from CCAR.
We appreciate donations to support our congregation's mission. You may use our online donation form or call our office at 512-735-8900 and we will be happy to assist you.
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The video window below will be active during livestreams of our services.