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Second-Night Congregational Passover Seder

Saturday, April 16, 2022 15 Nisan 5782

4:30 PM - 6:00 PMTemple Beth Shalom

Second-Night Congregational Passover Seder
Saturday, April 16
4:30-6:00 p.m.
Temple Beth Shalom Sanctuary & Social Hall
Livestream option available

Open to Temple Beth Shalom members and their loved ones. Register here.

We are thrilled to invite you to join Rabbi Freedman and Cantor Gostein for our congregational Second-Night Passover Seder inside the temple building. 

Although there will not be a meal following the seder this year, we will have pre-packaged seder supplies and Haggadot so each family can fully engage ritually in the seder, including kosher grape juice. Feel free to bring your own wine. If you feel that you or your children may need snacks during the event, you may bring kosher-for-Passover options from home. 

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